case ISO 14001 Implementation at Mt. Baker Products

Case Study Analysis Paper 3: A Tale of Two Coaches (Benchmark Assessment)
July 30, 2020
Intelligence Collection Techniques
July 30, 2020

case ISO 14001 Implementation at Mt. Baker Products

case ISO 14001 Implementation at Mt. Baker Products
Read and then respond the Discussion Questions about the case study attached on ISO 14001 Implementation at Mt. Baker Products.questions:
1. (2 points] (a) What external pressures led Mt. Baker Plywood to seek ISO 14001 registration? (b) How are these pressures likely to differ by industry and region?
2. [1 point] How does the SmartWood or FSC certification differ from ISO 14001 certification?
3. [2 points] (a) What role do aspects and impacts have in ISO 14001? (b) What did Josh discover about the right and wrong way to identify environmental aspects?
4. [1 point] Who sets the environmental goals and objectives for a company under ISO 14001?
5. [1 point] What was Joshs major error in the implementation process?
6. [2 points] (a) What are the various ISO certifications available, and (b) how important are they today in creating and maintaining global market share? Justify your answer