Career Road Map Academic Essay

September 23, 2020
Accounting for business decisions Academic Essay
September 23, 2020

Career Road Map Academic Essay

Task 1
You are to develop a Personal Brand Manifesto (manifesto).
This is a one page A4 poster that incorporates visual and textual components that provides insight
into your Personal Brand.
The purpose of this task is to allow you to show how words, when combined with other forms of
media (for example, pictures, videos etc.) can be a more effective communication tool than simply
words alone. This poster is to capture specific aspects of your academic, and professional life right
The manifesto is to be an aspirational poster that includes
• Your current professional goals
• Your main motivations and
• Your professional objective statement.
Your manifesto should also convey your professional values and what you think is important to be
successful in your chosen profession.
Refer to the work that you completed in weeks 2 and 3 to get inspiration for your manifesto. The
work that you have done on personal branding will also add to the content of your poster.
Word count for your poster is 200 words +/- 10%.
Task 2
You are required to create and populate a professional LinkedIn account that will help you seek
employment and record significant events that will add to your Professional Identity. If you have not
already done so, sign up to LinkedIn –
Start populating your LinkedIn account with your details. If you have an account, make sure that the
details are current. It is very important that your account contains at least the following:
• A recent professional photo
• A headline
• A summary (you can put a career objective here)
• A list of your experiences
• A list of organisations that you are, or have been affiliated with
• A list of your education to date, including where you completed high school
• A list of volunteer experiences
• A list of your skills and expertise
It is not compulsory, but a recommendation will help. This would be from someone that you have an
association with (that is, not a friend, but someone you have worked or volunteered with or for,
such as a mentor or a recent past teacher). MWL101, Personal Insight staff are not providing
recommendations for this assessment task.
This should be presented as a collage containing evidence that you have created a LinkedIn account.
Include a minimum of 3 screen shots, showing different aspects of your LinkedIn account.
Add a direct URL to your LinkedIn account as part of your collage presentation.
This activity will be counted as 1000 words towards the total word count for this assessment item.
MWL101 – Assessment 4: Career Road Map
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LinkedIn Resources:
• Building a great LinkedIn Profile
• Building your Personal Brand using LinkedIn
• Tailoring your LinkedIn Profile
Task 3
Create an Action Plan that indicates your “Dream Position” and how you plan to achieve this
Your plan is to initially discuss your “Dream Position” and why you think you are suitable for this
type of role. Include steps that you need to take that will help you develop the skills and knowledge
you need to be able to undertake the role. Develop an understanding of and then write about the
types of placements, volunteer experiences and jobs that you could do in order to develop the
professional skills required to support you in your “Dream Position”.
When writing about these interim positions, explain how the position will assist you in getting your
“Dream Position”.
Finally, consider what other roles you could undertake with the skill set you are developing. Provide
a justification for the skills and knowledge and the jobs you have listed in your Action Plan.
As an appendix to your Action Plan develop a schedule of activities from today until you graduate
that include the key deadlines and activities required to develop your profile and put you on the
path to your “Dream Position”.
This schedule must include researched, specific dates of key activities (e.g. application deadlines for
internships, deadlines to enroll in a WIL unit based on the prescribed WIL application process,
graduate program application deadlines etc.). This schedule should include at least ten specific
entries to help guide you through your career activities to achieve your best graduate outcome.
(800 words +/-10%)
MWL101 – Assessment 4: Career Road Map
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Task 4
The final task in this assessment piece is for you to reflect on what you have learnt in this unit, and
how you think what you have learnt in this unit will help you to gain a job in the future. Your
reflection should describe:
• How you think you have developed over the course of the trimester
• Where you think you still have gaps in your skills and knowledge, and
• Where and how you think you have developed the most.
The aim of this reflection piece is to evidence how much you have developed in regards to the
Bachelor of Commerce Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs). CLOs are contextualised GLOs, meaning
that there is a CLO for each GLO, but the standard is written using a Commerce framework or context.
You may use any of the experiences you have been exposed to this trimester to write about. If you
have volunteered for example and you feel that you have developed skills and knowledge through
this, include it in your reflection.
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Posted on May 1, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions