May 14, 2020
Website management
May 14, 2020

Career Research Teacher

Career Research €“ Teacher

1.    Career Field€“ Name
Why do you like the specific career? €“ Reasons

2.    People in this career
A)    How many people currently employed in this career field:
–    Locally & Internationally
–    Locals & Expats

B)    Current Employment trends relating to this career
C)    Where are jobs related to this career most found? Why?

3. Duties that come with this career
A) Specific duties
B) General duties
C) Hours of work
D) Is there anything about the working hours or schedule unique to this job field ( days, night, seasonal, etc.)

4.    Qualifications

A)    Education
B)    Experience
C)    Age
D)    Health & Physical fitness
E)    Character/Personality

5.    Finding a job:

A)    Local UAE firms where this job could be found
B)    Screenshot of a job advertisement from a UAE newspaper, magazine, online, etc.

6.    Career-related Earnings

A)    Starting Salary
B)    Average salary
C)    High-end salary

7.    Nature and Environment

A)    Benefits other than salary
B)    Difficulties/ danger you could anticipate

8.    Career Advancement Opportunity

A)    Advancement opportunities
B)    Will you need additional training for advancement?
C)    Do you need continuing education to hold onto this position?