methods of market entry
May 6, 2020
Case analysis
May 6, 2020

Cape Breton’ food?

Cape Breton’ food?
Take a quotidian food from your diet and discuss it according to where the constituent ingredients come from, how they are produced and processed, and through which channels they arrived at your Cape Breton dinner table.

Is there such a thing as Cape Breton’ food? How does it differ from €“ and how is it similar to €“ the food of other regions? What makes it Cape Breton’?

Identify a food that is necessary’ for the proper observance of a custom (a ritual, a calendar custom, a rite of passage, etc.). Trace its origins both in a larger, historical context and in your own personal history.

Contrast a typical meal/food event that you may prepare for intimates’ (friends, family) with one you may prepare for strangers’ (important guests, potential romantic partners, etc.). What constitutes special occasion’ food and why?