Key Assessment TECA 1354 30-minute Observation of a Child
This learning opportunity is designed to measure the following standards identified by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) for students:
In addition, the following supportive skill is measured:
You will complete a 30-minute observation of a child or adolescent from 0-12 years for your portfolio (called a running record ). Please use the following guidelines:
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Use direct quotes whenever possible if the child vocalizes or speaks.
Record as much detail as possible. Leave out any judgment
or inferences from this section. Just record what you see and
hear as objectively using as much description as possible.
3. Watch for 10 minutes without writing. Record the gap in writing
in your notes (for example, watched from 9:10-9:20 a.m.)
4. Repeat step 1, watching and writing everything the child does for 10
When writing up your observation to turn in, follow this format:
1. Divide your paper in two columns. Label the left side Observation
and the right side Inferences . Re-write (or type) the child’s speech
and actions under the column, Observation.
2. Write your interpretation of the child’s actions and speech in the
column marked Inferences. Use your text, class notes, and the
Developmentally Appropriate Practices Handbook to help you
interpret which developmental levels the child has achieved.
3. Write a thorough paragraph summarizing the main points of your
observation. Summarize development in each of the domains for
the child: physical, cognitive, and social-emotional. If you are not able
to observe a particular domain, please state this in the summary. State
whether or not you think the child is developing as would be expected for
his or her age.
Be sure to proofread your work. Correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation will be factored into your grade. Please see the instructor if you have any questions. This assignment must be typed, using two columns. This learning opportunity is worth 15 points towards your portfolio grade and is due __________________.
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