Canadas commitment to an international treaty .

how to use Strategic Plan
July 18, 2020
Library competency
July 18, 2020

Canadas commitment to an international treaty .

are required to submit an argumentative
research paper (10

12 pages)
in which
explore a
aspect of Canadian foreign policy.
The range of possible topics is
quite expansive
, and students are encouraged to select a topic that interests them
. Among the
possibilities available, student
s might examine Canadas bilateral relationship with another country,
Canadas broad approach to a region,
Canadas involvement in an important international issue
conflict, or perhaps
Canadas commitment to an international treaty
A list of possible t
opics will be
provided for those students who benefit from some direction in choosing topics.
I am also more
than happy to meet with students on an individual basis to help them settle on a topic or narrow a
thesis. Indeed, you are strongly encouraged to d
iscuss possible essay topics with me early in the
semester. The essay should be submitted
at the beginning of class on
It is crucial that you avoid writing a purely descriptive paper. Instead, your essay must
advance a
concise argument

one t
hat is clearly articulated in a thesis statement. Even though it is
only a
the thesis is the most important part of a paper
. It should explain
very directly the argument advanced by your paper so that your reader knows in ad
vance what to
expect in the pages that follow. All of the research findings and ideas that you present in your paper
should be organized in a clear and compelling manner and should contribute to demonstrating this
thesis. The essay will be graded on a vari
ety of factors, including argumentation, organization, style, grammar, spelling and punctuation.
When preparing your paper, please be aware of the following expectations:

The essay must be typed and formatted with 1

inch margins, double

, page numbers
and a 12

point Times New Roman font
You are required to provide appropriate credit when using other authors material and must
do so via the Chicago author

date in

text citation style.
This style requires the use of
parenthetical citations and a references list at the end of the paper