Can law resolve artistic disputes in terms of balancing copyright with freedom of expression in the field of visual arts?

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Can law resolve artistic disputes in terms of balancing copyright with freedom of expression in the field of visual arts?

Topic: Can law resolve artistic disputes in terms of balancing copyright with freedom of expression in the field of visual arts?

Order Description
Can law resolve artistic disputes in terms of balancing copyright with freedom of expression in the field of visual arts?
To be examined further if rules of copyright infringement conflict freedom of expression for artists
Also, how creativity is balanced with ownership/property in visual arts
UK, wider EU and US jurisdiction to be used
Case of controversial artist Richard Prince sued for copyright infringement
Examples of more cases of artists suing each other blocking creativity, originality and effort-how does intellectual property get involved and what does the court of justice (ECJ) say .
Use of books, academic articles, legal websites etc as sources of bibliography