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October 7, 2020
1 Midterm: Reservoir Engineering Show your work! 18 Feb 2016
October 7, 2020

calcus Academic Essay

Using integration on P'(x), find the function P(x) that predicts the number of internet users in the world. (Note: Since this is an indefinite integral, do not forget to add a constant C in your final answer.)

Based on the first letter of your last name, calculate the value of C from #1 by choosing an ordered pair (x, P(x)) from the table below.
First letter of your last name x P(x) (in millions)
A–B 6 361
C–D 7 513
E–F 8 587
G–H 9 719
I–J 10 817
K–L 11 1,018
M–N 12 1,093
O–P 13 1,319
Q–R 14 1,574
S–T 15 1,802
U–V 16 2,267
W–X 17 2,497
Y–Z 18 2,802
From your answers in #1 and #2, state the mathematical model, P(x) (in millions), that will predict the number of internet users in the world.

Using P(x), complete the following table.
Year x Predicted Number of Internet Users (in millions)

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Posted on May 27, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions