3.The internal organization analysis helps a firm to determine what it can do. Strategy formulation can be informed by a proper matching of what a firm “can do” with what a firm “might do.”
a. Describe the main components of an internal analysis.
b. What are firms striving to understand through an internal environment analysis?
c. Describe the VRIN framework. Explain how the VRIN framework can be used as a tool to complete an internal environment analysis and understand some of the building blocks of competitive advantage.
8.Evidence suggests that using merger and acquisition strategies to create value is challenging. In approximately two-thirds of all acquisitions, the acquiring firm’s stock price falls immediately after the intended transaction is announced. This negative response reflects investor’s skepticism about the likelihood that the acquirer will be able to achieve the synergies required to justify the premium.
a. Explain the main reasons firms engage in an acquisition strategy
b. Under what circumstances does an acquisition create value?
c. Describe the main problems in achieving a successful acquisition (i.e., problems in creating value through acquisition).
11.Strategic alliances are cooperative strategies between firms whereby resources and capabilities are combined to create a competitive advantage. All strategic alliances require firms to exchange and share resources and capabilities to co-develop or distribute goods or services.
a. Identify the four types of business-level cooperative strategies and the advantages and disadvantages of each.
b. Why are cooperative strategies often used when firms pursue international strategies? What are the advantages and disadvantages of international cooperative strategies?
c. Identify the competitive risks associated with cooperative strategies
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Posted on May 24, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions