Business & society (global warming/climate change) Academic Essay

streaming solution Academic Essay
August 15, 2020
Describe in detail what you will discuss with the learners related to the following sub-topics
August 16, 2020

Business & society (global warming/climate change) Academic Essay


*Last month (April 22, 2016) leaders of 175 countries from around the world met at the United Nations in New York City to sign the Paris climate accord. This historic international agreement is designed to fight global warming/climate change and keep the world’s average temperature from rising more than 2 degrees Celsius from preindustrial levels. The U.S. and China both signed the accord. These two countries account for about 40 percent of global carbon emissions.

You are the operations manager of a large automobile manufacturer. You work directly for the CEO of the company. While your CEO was aware of the activities that led to the signing of this agreement, s/he is not well versed in the topic of climate change. S/he has asked to meet with you to discuss climate change and its implications on the company. To prepare for your meeting you need to do two significant things. First, you need to prepare a short briefing paper in which you tell her/him about climate change. Second, you need to identify several alternatives that your company’s CEO should consider with respect to company actions on climate change. Here’s your assignment:

***Describe global warming/climate change, identifying the problems associated with it (why do we care?), its primary causes and the stakeholders on each side of the issue and their positions.

***Identify three alternative paths your company can pursue to address climate change. One alternative is for the company to continue to do what it is doing today, that is, business as usual. In addition, identify two other alternative paths that the CEO should consider, that is, two major strategies your company could pursue to do business differently than it is doing today, in order to address climate change. The CEO has also asked you determine whether each alternative path is ethical and to provide her/him with a recommendation on which alternative path to pursue.

***In order to decide which alternative path to recommend, you decide to conduct an ethical analysis of the three alternative paths. Analyze each of these three alternative paths (the business as usual alternative and the two other alternatives you identify) using each of the methods of ethical reasoning we’ve discussed this semester. Based on your analysis, decide whether each alternative path is ethical or unethical. Which path should your company pursue and why? Be sure to justify all of your opinions.

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Posted on May 14, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions