The psychoanalysis of Hamlet
October 17, 2020
Zero waste slogan
October 17, 2020

Business Research

Please submit in time. There will be Short Answer Questions (12×2=24), and 1 marks for neat and clean.  You are requested to read chapters 1 to 8 from the text book.

Very Important Note:  Your answer must be in your own words. Cite the source and include cover page, reference page, and table of contents as and when required.

Total Marks -25

Questions 1 x 12 x 2 = 24 Marks

Neat and clean and meaningful answer: 1 Mark


1. Define business research.

2. Do you agree with this statement – Ethics are norms or standards of behavior that guide moral choices about our behavior and our relationships with others.

3. Justify – Business research provides information to guide business decisions.

4. Good business research is based on sound reasoning because reasoning is essential for producing scientific results. Why?

5. What lesson we can learn from the case – A GEM of a study?

6. What is deduction and induction? Explain with example.

5. Explain the value of conducting a pilot test and its uses for a research planning.

6. What is research design?

7. Explain with example: Primary sources are original works of research.

8. Compare and contrast the cross-sectional and longitudinal designs

9. Discuss: Qualitative research seeks to build theory while quantitative research tests it.

10. Do you agree? – Face to face interaction one of the best way to learn from participants.

11. What are independent and dependent variable? – Explain with suitable example.

12. Explain – Data must be more than timely and standardized; it must be meaningful.