BUS447 Paper.
October 8, 2020
the rising cost of higher education in the united states
October 8, 2020

Business Report

Topic: Business Report
Order Description
Structure of Report
The Advertising strategy is to be presented in a Business Report format, i.e. sections and sub-sections that are numbered.

Suggested sections:
+ Executive Summary
+ Table of Contents
+ Literature Review (incorporating the current advertisement and product class)
+ Advertising Strategy
-Advertising objectives
– Advertising budget
– Key Messages
– Message execution
– Selecting advertising media

The paper should include journal articles, texts, media articles, etc. that are relevant to the research scenario and integrate into a coherent discussion.

Citation and Referencing
It is essential to provide in-text citations and a Reference List.
A Reference List should comprise references from various sources including books, marketing/business magazines and journals, internet sites etc.

Detailed Structure
+ Title page
+ Executive summary
– Three parts: The purpose of the report, and then the major findings and then the recommendations
+ Table of Contents
+ Introduction
– Product brief and background and then background to the advertising campaign
+ Literature review
– Summary of information from journal articles etc about the advertisement and product
+ Analysis
+ Recommendations
+ Reference list

Unit Text Book:
Marketing – Real People- Real Choices by Solomon and Stuart