After the completion of the As-Is process modelling (in Assignment 1), your Consulting Team are requested to conduct a targeted process analysis and improvement project for the Commercial Lending Process (CLP) in Bank of Golden Merchants (BGM) in this Assignment. One of the key business goals set by the executive team of BGM is to lead BGM to be the financial institution of choice for commercial loans. This requires that the CLP, the core process for delivering the commercial loan service and products, should be efficient, timely, customer focused and with minimal duplication of effort while still mitigating its risk exposure. It is expected that your project will find a way to contribute towards this goal.
As the sponsor of your project, Kevin Johnson would like to ask you to accomplish the following tasks for this project.
Task 1 is concerned with the analysis of the current CLP. More specifically, Kevin and his management team are interested in reviewing your findings from 1) identification of process wastes, 2) development of a register of issues in the current process, and 3) their impact on the efficiency of the CLP. Your findings should be supported by a detailed analysis through the application of appropriate analytical tools and techniques.
Task 2 is concerned with the improvement of the current CLP. More specifically, your consulting team are expected to provide both short term (next 3-6 months) and long term (next 1-3 years) improvement proposals. To help BGM with planning their improvement implementation in the next phase, you should also provide 1) quantified and qualified benefits of your process improvement ideas, 2) feasibility analysis of your improvement recommendations, and 3) an updated process model reflecting the changes as result of your improvement proposals (i.e. a To-Be process model).
About the process
The process context was provided in the file named “IFN515 Assignment 1 Scenario.pdf” that was used in Assignment 1. The following page contains some supplementary information which you may find useful for conducting process analysis and improvement of the CLP at BGM. However, it is very likely that the information may still be inadequate, in which case, your team will need to make appropriate assumptions or refer to existing standards
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Posted on May 24, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions