Business Model for an arts venues

Spirituality Academic Essay
August 15, 2020
Part  B: 30 Marks  ( Due  date:  5:00pm  Friday 2nd  September   2016)
August 15, 2020

Business Model for an arts venues

Topic: Business Model for an arts venues

Order Description
The creation of a warehouse style venue in the Waterloo/Rosebery/Alexandria area which would incorporate a museum, art gallery, theatre and live music venue. It would also contain a food & beverage outlet which would function as a café by day and casual dining space by night with a focus on cocktails and wine. The creative art space would provide the opportunity for both upcoming and established artists to exhibit or perform their work.

Overview of business model (business model canvas + explanation) with particular focus on:
– Value proposition
– Value chain incl supply chain & distribution chain (visual representations and description)
– How will you make money
– Marketing & PR plan
– The type of business model you are proposing and why (e.g. double sided, long tail, social enterprise etc)