Topic: Business intelligence
Order Description
Assignment 2
1) The second assignment consists of two activities and relates to the organisation you have chosen for Assignment 1. World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
1) Practical activity (40% of mark): submission of a working dashboard. Create the design of a dashboard using one of the tools shown in the practicals (Microsoft PowerBI or Tableau). You should submit the dashboard by saving the dashboard as a file (*.pbix or *.twbx) and submit that file with your report (see below). Also include a screenshot in the report. Further you need to add a description of what it contains and how someone can interact with it. Make sure that you use at least one of the new types of visualisations (not just charts). Note that you should focus on externally available data and the data can be different to what you have mentioned in Assignment 1.
2) Written activity (50% of mark): explain the approach taken in deciding what to put into the dashboard to demonstrate your understanding of the business’s need and how often the data will need to be changed (there will always be more data available).
Outline the challenges in developing the dashboard. Provide advice on (a) how the organisation would benefit from more BIA and (b) specific recommendations on what the organisation could do to make implementation easier (eg: data quality, governance of classifications, etc) – refer to BIA lifecycle. For the written component, create a report in a similar format to the first assignment addressing the points above.