Business (Healthcare)

Manage remuneration and employee benefits
January 3, 2020
US Foreign Policy
January 5, 2020

Business (Healthcare)

Business (Healthcare)

Assume that you are a senior executive at a medical clinic and you are responsible for HIPAA compliance. You have already implemented electronic health records (EHRs) at your clinic. You need to get the clinic management on board with the importance of HIPAA compliance. Write a three page summary paper on HIPAA, to be shared with your clinic management, addressing the important aspects of HIPAA. The following topics need to be addressed in the summary for paper.

1. Portability aspects of HIPAA.

2. Your interpretation of “Protected Health Information”

3. What policies and procedures are you planning to implement at the clinic to achieve compliance with HIPAA security rules?

4. Effect of HIPAA on your clinic’s EHR system

Your briefing paper should begin with an “Introduction” section and end with a “Conclusions” section. Include as many sections as you deem appropriate (perhaps three to five) in the middle. Each section should address one of the above four aspects outlined for your briefing paper. Instead of writing one long paragraph, please divide your narrative into smaller, logically coherent paragraphs.

Use one-inch margins right and left, top and bottom. The report should follow the general outline and formatting instructions below.

Heading: Title and Name

· Center the title, use 12-point bold type.

· Follow title with a double space.

· Center you name, use 12-point bold type.

· Follow this with a double space.

Main Body of the Paper (10-point type, Times New Roman)

· Single space the text: Lists, outlines, etc., can be made bold or italics, or indented for emphasis.