Essay Questions
Answer ALL questions. Limit each answer to 800 words. Overall your essay (3 questions taken together) should not exceed 2500 words, excluding references. All references should be attached to the end of the essay
1. Fiscal policy has a critical role in determining aggregate demand in the economy. Discuss this statement with examples.
2. Monetary policy complements fiscal policy in stabilizing the economy. Discuss this statement with examples.
3. Historically, there has been a lot of debate among economists regarding the role of fiscal and monetary policies in stabilization of business cycles. Discuss this debate on the basis of alternative schools of thought, such as classical, Keynsian, monetarists etc.
Your essay should draw from multiple sources class room lectures and seminar sessions, textbooks and other references provided in your module handbook, additional references provided in Moodle, the talk by the guest lecturer and finally, your own research on the topic. Note that the questions are posed as discussion. Make sure you provide alternative viewpoints if necessary, complement your answer with diagrams and provide references to back up your arguments.
Please note that the additional references provided are NOT exhaustive but just indicative. You are expected to carry out your own research and explore the existing literature on new venture financial management in order to write an essay which addresses the above topic
Word Limit: 2500 words maximum excluding bibliography (strictly enforced)
An Indicative Guide to Essay Writing
The Purpose of the Essay
Essays allow us to judge your understanding of course material covered. The essay is designed to evaluate your ability to understand, organise, and communicate. It constitutes, therefore, a key element of the learning process. Read More in Attachmend file.
A standard way to think about the planning of the structure for an economics essay is based on four main sections. This, of course, is a general description, but can be helpful in organising the context. Hence, the inclusion of the following sections can be a good starting point:
1. An introduction, which should be clearly denoted by a sub-heading. The introduction has two purposes. First, to tell the reader briefly about the topic and why it is important. Second, to define up-front any key terms used.
2. A background section detailing the background in financial management in context of new venture creation, how others in the field (experts) have considered related issues and set the broad context of how you tackle the question. If you think you are contributing something new in the existing literature, this is where you describe in brief where your contributions lie.
3. A main section that shows how you have approached the question, what your findings are and what inferences have you drawn, which can answer the question above. This is the most detailed section of your essay and carries the most weight.
4. A conclusion which should briefly summarise your key findings and identify any of the limitations of your essay (perhaps by reference back to how others have dealt with such topics) and how these may be overcome in more advanced literature
Evidence and References
Footnotes and Endnotes
The Bibliography