Business Decision-Making Project Academic Essay

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Business Decision-Making Project Academic Essay

Identify a business problem or opportunity at a company where you work or with which you’re familiar. This will be a business problem that you use for the individual assignments in Weeks 3-5. It should be a problem/opportunity for which gathering and analyzing some type of data would help you understand the problem/opportunity better.

Identify a research variable within the problem/opportunity that could be measured with some type of data collection.

Consider methods for collecting a suitable sample of either qualitative or quantitative data for the variable.

Consider how you will know if the data collection method would be valid and reliable.

Develop an analysis to describe a company, problem, and variable.

Include the following in your submission:

Identify the name and description of the selected company,
Describe the problem at that company,
Identify one research variable from that problem,
Describe the methods you would use for collecting a suitable sample of either qualitative or quantitative data for the variable (Note: do not actually collect any data)
Analyze how you will know if the data collection method would generate valid and reliable data

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Posted on May 23, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions