The Things they Carried, Rucksack Project
May 30, 2020
June 1, 2020

business communicators

business communicators

1) (covering challenges that business communicators has to face today) Choose a certain national or regional culture, ethnicity, or generation €“one different from you own€” and find out what values the people in this demographic are generally known f

Business and Management

Paper instructions:
1) (covering challenges that business communicators has to face today)

Choose a certain national or regional culture, ethnicity, or generation €“one different from you own€” and find out what values the people in this demographic are generally known for. How might working or doing business with a person from one of these groups require you to adapt your own values and communication style?

2) (Covering factors that affects types of commumciation that does in business )

Find two website of companies in the same industry€“ for example, two manufacturers of household products or two wireless service providers, Using the evidence presented on their websites, compare their company cultures. Look at their stated mission (if any), their history (if provided), the gender and qualifications of their personnel (if given), their employee benefits, their information for job applicants, their information for investors, the company image projected by the visual elements on the site€”anything that suggests who they are or want you to think they are. Write up your comparison in a well organized, well supported message to your instructor.

3) ( Covering the impact on business communication from future developments in technology)

How might cloud computing and other technologies affect the future of business communication?