The three dimension intervention selection model is used as a rough guide for selecting a best type of intervention that is the most effective in a certain scenario. There exist various additional factors that affect this model. Notable additional factors include the recognition of a new opportunity and the introduction of new management practices(Hayes 291). Urgent changes in an organization will take a little time for the intervention to be realized. For instance, new opportunities are urgent in nature and hence require the formulation of a sound strategy in order to utilize the opportunity optimally.The introduction of new management practices may necessitate in-service training and other interventions to be effected so as to realize the ultimate goals and objectivesof the organization.
- The concept of knowledge transfer is a vital inclusion in an organization in order to realize the anticipated goals of the organization. Knowledge transfer is an aspect of organizational learning. Organizational learning entails the practices of knowledge acquisition, recognition of the individual potential and their application in improving the performance of the organization(Hayes 308).Knowledge transfer ensures that the right people are equipped with the right skills to enable them perform their duties perfectly. Additionally, the aspect of knowledge transfer helps to realize the free flow of information in the organization hence the ability to pass the policies of the management. However, the practice of knowledge transfer is characterized by barriers such as the inability to assimilate knowledge, ambiguity and low quality of relationships in the organization (309). Knowledge transfer may also take place between unrelated organizations or within the networks of related organizations (Hayes 310).
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- Appreciative inquiry is a vital tool that can be used to get an organization out of single-loop learning. Single loop learning involves the detection and correction of errors that leads to the modification of rules (Hayes 306). Through appreciative inquiry, the decision-making processes, and strategic change processes are initiated. Decision-making and strategic change aspects play a great role in getting an organization out of single loop learning. The appreciative inquiry will hence facilitate and modify the major components of single loop learning. Modifying the aspects of rules and behaviour will ultimately influence the results and hence the related reflections (343). Modifications and inspired vision as a result of appreciative inquiry has profound effects on the individual’s provocative decisions and hence the ability to move the organization out of single loop learning (Hayes 344)
- The aspects of training and development are crucial inclusions in the operations of any organization. Training and development are hence more than just acquisition owing to the various benefits accrued to it. Although training and development are perceived to be key contributors and facilitators of the acquisition of knowledge, other organizational aspects may also be realized. For instance, organizational change is one of the vital impacts of organizational training and development (Hayes354).Enterprise –level training overcomes the acquisition process thereby bringing in some aspects and attributes of organizational change (355). Training, in this case, leads to increased cases of the introduction of new management practices. The new management skills and training are depicted in the aspects of total quality management, team working and re-engineering of the business process (355).
- The human resource management practice is a very critical tool in motivating employees to engage in discretionary behaviours. The HR practice is essential in this case due to a number of factors. Through the adoption of the discretionary behaviours, the overall performance of the organization is upheld. The management practices such as recruitment, training, selection and induction helps to enhance the skills and knowledge of the employees thereby increasing their production potentials (Hayes 361). Additionally, the human resource practices foster the engagement off workers in discretionary behaviours. The factors include employment security, the appraisal of performance and provision of incentives among others (Hayes 362).
- Business process re-engineering (BPR) entails an analysis and redesign of the workflows of an organization’s departments or enterprises.Redesigning the core processes in an organization will have profound effects on its performance and competitive abilities.(Hayes 369). The adoption of this aspect is characterized by increased flexibility and responsiveness with regard to the operations of the organization. Additionally, the organization’s competitive advantage is increased, and the demands of the consumers are met (370). Further on, thelife cycle of products and production technologies are upheld too. The argument of Hammer and Champyrapid transformation process that is involved. BPR is an instrumental aspect in an organization due to its wholesome application in mapping and re-engineering. BPR is a vital inclusion when developing maps for the workflows in an organization (372). In identifying the process of re-engineering, certain criteria for selection are upheld. The criteria entail dysfunction, importance, and feasibility. Finally, the testing of ideasshould be done in order to uphold the aspects of planning, doing, studying and acting (Hayes 375).
- Lean entails a process by which customers and consumers of a product are provided with the products that are devoid of any defect with an intention of satisfying them (Hayes 379). The process is customer oriented in that it seeks to satisfy their needs and demands. To realize the agenda of the leaning process, the five principles that were set out by Jones are upheld. The principles involve value specification, value specification with regard to the whole product, target cost, value stream identification, flow and pull (382). Each of these principles leads to appropriate leaning process and hence the satisfaction of the customer’s needs. The flow process ought to be pulled in order to realize the ultimate goal of the leaning process (Hayes 383). In this context, the customer pulls the product from both the producer and the production system. Future lean processes may turn successful due to efficient communication, increased autonomy and visible management commitment among others (Hayes 387).
10.In assessing the organization fit in the pre-acquisition stage, the various itemsboth macro and micro ought to be reviewed. These factors are paramount in shaping the viability of the proposed acquisition (399). The factors include the complexity of the issues, pressure, relative ease in assessing strategic fit and the mindset of the buyer team. The mindset of the buyer team is an important factor before any acquisition process is undertaken (Hayes 400). Complexity issues such as an analysis of the market and product are vital too (399). Upholding the problems involved in maintain secrecy and the ability to uphold the targets of the management team is important in the acquisition process (400).
- Particular attention of the socio-cultural elements of the merging companies should be upheld because of various reasons. This is a critical aspect of the post-merger integration task. The organizational structure of the merging companies is very important in the acquisition of a sound structure for the new organization. The elements help in the development of a consistent corporate cultural frame-making (Hayes 402).
- The concept of acculturation entails a process in which the cultural and psychological transitions take place in as a result of an interaction between two or more groups with diverse cultures (Hayes 410). The organization of such cultural systems and practices may be brought forth by the attributes of assimilation, separation, integration and deculturation (411). The mode of acculturation in the organization depends on the degree at which a community uphold its cultural values and practices. The acquired acculturation by the organization entails separation, assimilation, integration and deculturation (412). The acculturative model entails the processes of congruence, merger stress, implementation and finally the organizational fit (Hayes413).
Works CitedTop of Form
Hayes, John. The Theory and Practice of Change Management. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. Print.