Utilize the word bank below to make the medical word which corresponds to every definition. Word parts may be used more than once.
-um -ic -blast kerat/o- home/o- -poiesis sebace/o- |
adip/o- calc/i theli/o- coll/a- leuk/o- -ose norm/o- |
hemat/o- melan/o- epi- ton/o- -osis -ous system/o- |
phag/o- -stasis -poetin -gen hem/o- glyc/o- |
erythr/o- myel/o- -in lip/o- – cyte insul/o- cty/o- |
1) Normal immature cell
2) Process of forming blood
3) A substance that forms red blood cells
4) White blood cells
5) Immature cell in the bone marrow
6) Process of cells eating microorganisms
7) Cessation of bleeding
8) A structure above the cellular level
9) A fibrous protein substance
10) A cell that produces black pigment
11) Produces fibers that hold together
12) Full of fat
13) Fat cell
14) Pertaining to sebum
15) Pertaining to the body as a whole
16) Condition of staying the same (balance)
17) Substance that regulates calcium