Research The Affordable Care Act passed on March 2010 on the internet. Write a 2 page paper PLUS THE TITLE AND REFERENCE
October 20, 2020
Prevention of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia
October 21, 2020

Building an Electric Motor.

Building an Electric Motor.

-want it with a good design like every slide with some words to describe it.
-Professionally formatted Power Point slides.
-Pictures and video of your project.
-Spoken portions from everyone in your group, with smooth transitions in between.
-Information about your original motor design, observed weaknesses, improvements made and the rationale behind them, quantitative results, and conclusions. You might want to make recommendations about further improvements you would have tried with another week. Make all of this information flow together in a well-planned narrative.
– you should make it attractive, readable, professional slides.
-appropriate length and content.
-evidence of preparation.