Build a Website I can give you the main code to start with and then i need a cms for it as well.

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March 10, 2020
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March 10, 2020

Build a Website I can give you the main code to start with and then i need a cms for it as well.

I have the code for a site with a full screen flip like a book
I have some of the code for this custom version of the flip site
Here is what i did so far but i need you to redo it properly.

I need to copy some of the features and make my own custom version of it.
I have a general idea of what i need and will be happy to get ideas from you as well.

besides for setting up the front end I need a back end so i can easily edit content, and on some pages i want to remove all the default content divs we create and replace it with new html code, and have an easy way of inserting the corresponding CSS and JS to the files they belong in.

Since this site is really one page, I need each page to load with Ajax (iframe might be an option but i dont think it works well) so its not overloaded with content, but it would probably need some kind of timing so its not slow on load or jittery.

I need to add some keyboard shortcuts in addition to the right and left arrow keys for flipping.

In the back end I need an easy way to add or remove pages, and when they are added or removed the corresponding index, or nav buttons should also be added or removed, as well as a thumbnail shortcut so we can browse through thumbnails of each page quickly so we can select what we want.

If you want this job, you must respond with a detailed idea of how you will achieve this for the front and back end.
How long each part of the project would take.
How much you charge for fixed price.
How much you charge per hour.
I need a GMAIL address, NOT SKYPE!
How many hours are you available each day.
Between the available hours you must always respond to email and messages.
I do not pay to start the job, I will only pay after a milestone where you can prove you are doing a good job, keeping good communication, and are doing it in a timely manner.

If you do not agree to the terms of communication and payment, and don’t give a detailed response to how you will do it, the cost and time, (don’t tell me we will discuss! first respond, and then we will discuss!) DON’T BOTHER BIDDING!!!!.