Section 2: Implementing School Safety: Policies, Procedures and Practices
As suggested in your readings, thereare many aspects critical for leaders to consider when creating and supportingsafe educational organizations. Leaders are challenged to be experts not onlyin facilities management, but also in the development of policies that ensurephysical and emotional well-being of students and staff. With a firmunderstanding of school organization safety policies, procedures, andpractices, leaders will be able to practice prevention via effectiveimplementation.
Assignment 5 Bringing down a Bully Bullying is a persistent challenge for school leaders to address. A well trained staff with strategies to identify bullying along with arming students with tools to deal with bullying can create a culture that does not tolerate and prevents bullying. Watch the video below about the unfortunate outcomes that have resulted from bullying:
Results of Bullying
Activity Resources
• Article: Varjas, K., Henrich, C. C., & Meyers, J. (2009). Urban Middle School Students” Perceptions of Bullying, Cyberbullying, and School Safety. Journal Of School Violence, 8(2), 159-176. doi:10.1080/15388220802074165
• Brunner, J. M., & Lewis, D. K. (2009)., In Chapter 3 ” please read the Strategy below:
o Strategy 23: Intimidation, Harassment, and Bullying: Fear Factors in the Twenty-First-Century School
1. Read the article: Urban Middle School Students” Perceptions of Bullying, Cyberbullying, and School Safety
2. Read Strategy 23 from Chapter 3 in the text.
3. In this activity, you will create a website, if you have never built a website before, it is possible to do using MSWord. Please see the following video for specific directions: You will need to send the whole folder to your instructor as a zip file.
Main Task: Design a Bullying Website
For this Activity, you have viewed the video, ‘Results of Bullying”, read the article, ‘Urban Middle School Students” Perceptions of Bulling, Cyberbulling, and School Safety, and read Strategy 23 in Chapter 23 in your text. At this point, you should have a pretty good understanding of bullying and how it affects school safety. As a school administrator, it is your responsibility to insure that students and staff are made aware of bullying, prevention, and its consequences. For this next task, you will create a website that addresses all of these concerns. The site should include the following:
• Definition of Bullying
o Recent media reports and scholarly resources regarding bullying
• An area for Teachers and Staff
o Include bullying prevention
o Cyberbulling
o Consequences
o Support systems and/or resources
o Strategies to employ in the classroom; including teaching strategies that engage students.
• An area for Students
o Include bullying prevention
o Cyberbullying
o Consequences
o Support systems and/or resources
• Reflection Page ” see details below.
• Reference page
Include the following elements: hyperlinks for a file in the same Web, hyperlinks to pages on the Internet, e-mail hyperlinks, and a consistent navigation scheme. Utilize appropriate style, theme and use of color; add images, and create and add a bulleted list/numbered list.
Hint #1: Links to pages other than those on your site should open in a new window.
Hint #2: Hyperlinks to pages within your site should never lead to dead end pages, i.e., pages without any links. At a minimum, all pages should link back to the home page. Finally, publish your Web site to a Web source.
Reflection Detail:
Write a brief reflective paper on the experience of creating the Bullying web site. Present some thoughts as to why your Web site is useful in your educational/training environment, your experience with the designing of your website, the application/method you used to design your site, and your location and method of uploading it to the web. Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrases with references in APA format and style.
Save the file with the correct course code and information in the header. Upload the completed assignment in the Activities area of the course.
Assignment Outcomes
Assess and recommend the principles of school safety in creating safe learning environments.
Analyze the critical components of humane, equitable, and consistent enforcement of school safety rules and policies to develop recommendations.
Synthesize current school safety best practices into a safety and crisis intervention plan.
Summarize the role of the wider school community in the promotion of safe learning environments.
Evaluate the impact of classroom management and school climate as it relates to safety for students and adult staff.