gun ownership is addressed in the second amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Additional gun control laws are also prevalent within each of the fifty states. Nearly every state varies in their permitting procedures as well as their requirements for handling and using guns. Consider the following: How do these laws co-exist effectively or ineffectively within the context of intergovernmental relations and constitutional law? How does the Supremacy Clause (Article VI of the Constitution) impact the way that federal law conflicts with state law on this subject? How does the Tenth Amendment allow states to fill in any gaps in national gun control laws? Consider that some states have vastly different dynamics that might require more or less gun control (urban environments versus rural environments, etc.).
Answer the following questions in the context of handgun rights and gun control regulations:
•Provide a brief overview of the issue between the federal and state governments’ approach to gun control regulations.
•Describe the Constitutional conflict between the Tenth Amendment, Second Amendment, and Article VI.
•Analyze the intergovernmental