Breeding behavior when determining evolutionary relationship

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April 7, 2020
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April 7, 2020

Breeding behavior when determining evolutionary relationship

True or False

1.) Scientists only consider breeding behavior when determining evolutionary relationships.
2.) If spiders and scorpions belong in the same class, thenthey must also belong in the same phylum.
3.) Because of taxonomy, scientists always agree on the peciesof animals.
4.) Today, scientists try to classify creautures on the basis of evolutionary realtionships.
5.) Fossil evidence indicates that humans have not undergonemany anatomical changes over the last 200,000 years.
6.) Cro-Magnons were physically almost identical tocontemporary humans.
7.) According to Hardy-Weinberg principle, the frequency ofalleles in a population tends to change even when nothingspecifically affects them.
8.) Scientists believe that all speciation takes placegradually over a very long period of time.
9.) When population is in genetic equilibrium, there is nogenetic variation among individuals in that population.