“If a brand can’t be measured it can’t be managed.” What extent do you agree with this statement? Why?
For a brand of your choice develop a brand scorecard. Why have you selected the measures you have? Would you expect any relationships to emerge between the measures and if so why? You don’t need to actually score the brand – just consider what measures you would include.
What problems could you foresee with implementing the measures you outlined above? How would you look to overcome these problems?
The post should not be more than 500 words. cited refrance
Purpose of Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to:
provide a forum for you to participate in discussions with your fellow students in order to clarify and explore the issues and concepts you have been reading, and
apply brand management theory to practice
encourage you to think critically about the subject matter.
Marking Criteria
The following criteria will be used in marking this assignment:
Quality of your participation (50%) – balanced consideration of the questions demonstrating an understanding of the reading material.
Quantity of your participation (50%) – moderated participation to make a contribution while allowing others to make their contribution. (Regular contribution in all assessable weeks.)
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Posted on May 2, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions