Global Perspectives on Children’s participation
June 9, 2020
June 9, 2020



Identify a company that you are familiar with, and choose only one process.
Go over the seven steps for the process chosen.
Step Definition    Steps    Description    Points
Actual Process    Describe the process    Identify output(s)    50
Understand and Embrace your Goal    Process goals are defined and discussed including how to setup process goals that accurately reflect your real goals, drive the process improvement activity, establish a clear “current state” baseline and validate improvements completed.    In this step define the goals, clear goals, and clear current state baseline    50

Build an Elegant Design    Building an elegant design requires that the work and complexity of a process be reduced by process improvements.
In this step, we craft the perspective (model) of a process that creates the correct observational perspective and then assess the real value of proposed process improvements.    50

Improve Personal Productivity    Process Participants often perform detective work, switch between software systems, repeat data entry, chase missing artifacts, and work with complex forms or documents – additional work that ferments dissatisfaction.
In this step we identify and eliminate the biggest culprits of these productivity “robbers.”    50

Orchestrate for Real Time Demand    Most processes do not empower process Participants and Managers to adapt their work practices to context. Yet these contextual demands exist in almost every process.
.    In this step we identify the majority of the orchestration capabilities Participants and Managers need to further improve our process design    50
Keep your Process in Tune    The moment a new process design comes into existence it starts becoming obsolete. Process designs are static – they don’t change until we change them. Yet the context around us is constantly changing, slowly and rapidly.
In this step we identify the measures that will tell us when our process design is degrading (change has occurred) so that we can protect process success.    50
Create Transparency    Process transparency is driven by presenting metrics to each person working with a process that are a) meaningful to that person and b) provide insights against a common goal.
In this step we use the Goals we defined in Step 1 to describe meaningful process metrics for the Managers and Participants in the process.    50
Design, Manage and Deliver the Customer Experience    Delivering a desirable customer experience is the key to customer retention and brand excellence.     In this step we review our process improvements to determine how they affect the customer and to gain a better understanding of what the real customer experience is that our processes create.    50

the company, or the organization I want to chose is Abu Dhabi Police,
the process I chose is (organizational performance management) it is a level 2 process, and it is part of the key process (level one process) organization leadership
organizational performance management consist of 4 level 3 processes.
1- developing the framework of evaluation performance management
2- Identifying targets for performance measures
3- monitoring and reporting performance
4- bench marking management