Box of Broadcasts (BoB) facility

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March 27, 2020
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March 27, 2020

Box of Broadcasts (BoB) facility

Box of Broadcasts (BoB) facility

You are required to present to an audience on a selected sport and exercise psychology related topic area. Your presentation MUST focus on the role of emotions (and/or emotion related concepts i.e. stress, choking, arousal, etc) in ONE of the following areas: 1) The Psychology of Exercise, 2) Sport Intelligence, 3) Self Control, 4) Psychological Issues in Professional Sport.

As part of this presentation task you are expected to make use of the Box of Broadcasts (BoB) facility in order to evaluate media representations of key concepts in sport and exercise psychology in relation to contemporary theoretical evidence.

Please ensure that your group consists of a minimum of two and maximum of three people. You must not exceed the maximum time limit of 15 minutes for your presentation. You will be expected to answer questions on your presentation from members of the audience.
In order to access the Box of Broadcasts facility, please go to: Once on this webpage then please sign-in by identifying the institution you are from (Buckinghamshire New University), and then type in your Bucks username and password on the next screen. Once on the BoB homepage, you will find three ‘tabs’ in the top right hand corner of the page: ‘records’; ‘archive’; ‘my BoB’. You need to select the ‘archive’ tab and then search the ‘playlists’ for the following playlist: SL506 CW1. You should now have access to a range of documentaries linked to the assignment task:

1. The Psychology of Exercise: ‘Horizon: The Truth about Exercise’
2. Sport Intelligence: ‘Horizon: What makes a Genius?’
3. Self-Control: ‘Horizon: Out of Control?’
4. Psychological Issues in Professional Sport: ‘Freddie Flintoff: Hidden side of Sport’; ‘Mind Games: Depression in Sport.’


You will be assessed on the following:

Explanation of the key concept[s]: ability to clearly define the concept[s] in question and concisely explain, from an applied and academic perspective, the background of the concept[s] and current perspectives held. (20%)

Synthesis of knowledge: assimilation of relevant knowledge perspectives from contemporary media representations, applied practice exemplars and theoretical understanding of the concept[s] in question (please ensure that all exemplars are from actual media/applied practice cases, not your own experiences or implicit beliefs). (20%)

Evaluate findings in relation to contemporary literature: your ability to present an educated position on the concept[s] in question based on your understanding of the current contemporary literature. You will need to ensure that you outline, clearly and concisely, the relationship between current media/applied representations of the concept and contemporary research/theoretical positions. Explore the implications of this relationship for applied practitioners and researchers. (40%)

Presentation: the quality and effectiveness of your presentation: equal allocation of responsibility within the group; clear and concise nature of the presentation; organisation and timing; visual impact and audience engagement; clarity of communication; use of handouts/resources to aid understanding; ease of comprehension. (20%)