Paper title: Body system
Academic level: University
Pages: 3
Source amount: 1
Formatting style: MLA
Type: Coursework
Details: Assignment: Write a three page (minimum), double spaced, 12 font, and normal margins paper. Staple all pages together. Choose one body system (example: respiratory, urinary, nervous) and give me three examples of how that body system works in relationship with other systems of the body. Write this paper in your own words. Copying word for word from the textbook will be unacceptable. Only use your textbook to find this information. Please tell me what pages you used. Put the page numbers at the top of the page under your name. You do not need to cite the page numbers throughout your paper. Please use proper grammar, punctuation and spelling. You will be graded on these things, as well as accuracy of the content and how easily readable your paper is (pretend you are writing this to someone who is new to anatomy and physiology). This paper is potentially worth 60 points. Textbook information: Name: Seeley’s Principles of Anatomy and Physiology second Edition. Author: Philip Tate