Bob Phillips is a manager for Sanford Express. This company provides courier service to local businesses in the Southeast region. ..

Write an argumentative or persuasive essay in which you encourage your audience to resist participating in, or even to oppose actively, some trend you
July 21, 2020
Throughout this course we have explored the similarities and differences between the literary forms of the short story, the poem, and drama
July 21, 2020

Bob Phillips is a manager for Sanford Express. This company provides courier service to local businesses in the Southeast region. ..

Bob Phillips is a manager for Sanford Express. This company provides courier service to local businesses in the Southeast region. The company is experiencing a 40% increase in their customer base.

Bob is faced with the challenge of hiring more employees to accommodate this major increase in growth. He is a relatively new manager and is concerned about his limited knowledge of recruitment methods and staffing practices.

Assignment: Must be 1-2 pages double spaced (font 12 times new roman)

  • An overview of Bob’s case.
  • Key Issues or Problems.
  • Alternatives that Bob can consider.
  • A potential solution to Bob’s dilemma.
  • Your conclusion on the case study.
  • Relevant additional supporting research.
    • Be sure to cite any outside research sources.