Employee Relations
May 13, 2020
System Evaluation and Recommendations
May 13, 2020

Blue’s Morass

Blue’s Morass


The blues provide, then-both for the singer and the hearers-at least a temporary flight above the morass of one’s daily condition. (Marlene Mosher in James Baldwin’s Blues). In an essay, discuss the relevance of this quote to Sonny’s Blues by James Baldwin.

Guidelines for the Paper:

Analyze the story using formalist criticism (review both the FORM-the language used by the author- and the CONTENT-what the story is about). In analyzing the form, be sure to quote the language used by the author (include at least two quotes from the story.) The analysis of the story should be the largest of the paper.


Typed 8.5 by 11 inch wide unlined paper
Title centered at the top of the first page
Right-hand corner (single spaced): Luis Barbosa,CMP 104- Introduction to Literature, Writing Assignment 1