1) The liquid portion of the blood is known as ______. Most of the plasma is composed of ______ that serves as a solvent and carries heat. ______ Such as sodium, potassium and ______ serve to maintain the osmotic balance in the blood. The protein ______ helps to maintain thickness of the blood. ______ assists in clotting the blood. Finally ______ serve as the antibodies in the blood.
2) The three kinds of formed components in the blood are ______, ______, and ______. The ______ consists of hemoglobin and serve to carry the oxygen. The white cells, also known as ______, serve to make antibodies and to do phagocytosis. Platelets help blood to clot, which is known as ______. Five different kinds of WBC are ______, ______, ______, ______, and ______.
3) The platelets liberate different factors which activate the protein already within the blood, ______. This then becomes thrombin. The thrombin transforms the fibrinogen to ______, that causes the blood cells in the area to be tangled in the protein web. This is known as the ______. Sometimes a clot forms within a blood vessel. This is known as a ______. If this clot moves from that position elsewhere in the body, it is called a ______.
4) Type A blood has ______ on surface of the red blood cells. Type B blood has ______ on the surface of the red blood cells. Type AB blood has ______ and ______ on the surface of the red blood cells. A type AB person can receive blood from ______. A type O person can receive blood fom ______.
5) The heart is in the middle thoracic cavity, known as the ______. The membrane around the heart is the ______. The thick muscular wall of the heart is the ______. The smooth inner lining of the heart is the ______.