Federal Response during Disasters
October 14, 2020
Freedom of speech
October 14, 2020

Blighted Cities

Topic: Blighted Cities

Description: [?]
Preferred language style: English (U.S.)

Policy Area Memos

Four times during the course you will be assigned policy area readings from CQ Researcher. You will be required to write a two page, single-spaced analytical summary of the reading. One paragraph should constitute a concise summary of the policy issue in question. The remaining portion will address questions I pose to you in advance about the reading content. We will discuss the reading in class. One week after the class discussion, your policy area memo will be due. Outside of class, students are encouraged to discuss and analyze the readings with each other and within groups. However, the written analyses must be accomplished individually. A fifth policy memo will be based on your reading of Freakonomics and will be conducted in a similar fashion to the CQ Researcher policy memos.