Black Diamond and the War of ResourcesThe film Black Diamond is an American-German political war thriller produced in 2006. The title is symbolic of the diamonds normally mined in African war zones and later sold to enable the financing of conflicts. The film is set during the 1996-2001 Sierra Leone Civil War. It depicts a torn apart country which is mainly as a result of the struggle between two forces; the loyalists government and the insurgent forces (Arnold, 2006). The film portrays an image of the atrocities of this war, including how the rebels would amputate the hands of citizens so they would not be able to vote in the upcoming elections. The end of this film is based on an actual event which took place in Kimberly, South Africa back in 2000 (Arnold, 2006). It was a meeting which paved way for the Kimberly Process Certification Scheme.The film, Blood Diamond carries with it a number of messages meant to enlighten the viewers on various issues. The main theme here is that of war and how people look to the presence of possible ways to get out of it unharmed. Civil wars in the past have been characterized with the abuse of human rights among other conflicts. People have suffered under the hands of the most powerful individuals. Lives have been lost, and many others have had to live with the memory of how cruel the people they loved died. According to this film, war from the past is what paves way for conflicts in the future (Arnold, 2006). It is the major cause for the loss of lives in big numbers as well as the displacement of many people from their homes.Wars are what make people suffer while trying to meet their daily needs since it destroys the availability of basic needs within reach. When there is war, grocery stores or other shops cannot open up because the owners are also scared for their dear lives. The warlords are the only people who benefit from the situation because they call the shots. From the film, the rebels and warlords used diamonds to purchase firearms which was used against the Sierra Leoneans (Arnold, 2006). Today, terrorist groups such as the al-Qaeda use diamonds to aid in financing their illegal activities. Wars usually cause a great set back on the progress of a country. It destroys infrastructure and any other important features which were already developed. The country is therefore torn to pieces and forced to start all over again once the war is over.This book pays close attention to the growing impacts of resource scarcity on the policies of various nations (Klare, 2002). The author argues that the first years of the new millennium will be characterized by wars, not because of ideology but as a result of the dwindling supplies of natural commodities which are also precious in most countries (Klare, 2002). According to the book, the Cold War has cleared the way for a global scramble for commodities such as oil, minerals, natural gas and also water. Therefore, the wars to come are bound to be based on each nation thriving to protect that resource which it depends on.This book changes the perspective obtained from watching the film, Blood Diamond. It shows that the result of most wars is mainly based on the natural resources which are slowly becoming scarce. People in the film were fighting over the diamonds which they hope will enable them to survive the situation which they are facing.There are many reasons why war breaks within nations. The fight for survival by relying on natural commodities is one of them. People fight one another just to get their hands on these commodities which are not enough to satisfy all the needy individuals.Arnold, W. (2006). Blood Diamond is a Multicarat Message Movie. . Retrieved January 13, 2014, from, M. T. (2002). Nature: Henry Holt and Company.