The Complete Maus
October 19, 2020
October 19, 2020

Bipolar Disorder

This essay examines bipolar disorder, its causes, and symptoms and there interpretation in context of the goals of did Hirsch organization.

Bipolar disorder also called manic-depressive illness is a serious disorder of the brain. Understanding of bipolar disorder, recommended treatment and recovery are continuously improved through new research findings in order to maintain knowledge about the disorder. Bipolar disorder emerges in late adolescence or early adulthood. The did Hirsch organization provides the best choice of managing this condition through providing information to understand the illness and giving proper medical care. Bipolar disorder is characterized by episodes of depression, mania or mixed state that recur frequent across life span. Didi Hirsch suicide prevention centre have staff that help people with bipolar disorder to find their way out. (Bardum, 2011).

Didi Hirsch helps clients to determine their goals, skills and interests by using their trained job developers. The presence of bipolar disorder indicates a biochemical imbalance which alters person`s mood. This imbalance is thought to be caused by irregular hormone production or problem with certain chemical in the brain, called neurotransmitters that act as messenger to our nerve cells. Bipolar disorder causes an individual to have unrealistically expansive thoughts or ideas, and impulsive or reckless behavior which may lead to problems such as trouble in the workplace. Those with bipolar disorder receive guidance, education and support to help them deal with their personal relationships and maintain health self-image .The employment services staff in Didi Hirsch work closely with employers to facilitate job opportunities for their clients. (Lorains, Cowlishaw & Thomas, (2011)

In addition to provision of employment training services, didi Hirsch community mental health center gives substance abuse prevention and treatment, counseling and psychotherapy, older adult services, community outreach and education and child abuse prevention and treatment. Mainly bipolar disorder is classified as mood disorder though people living with bipolar disorder experience wide variety of non-mood symptoms. The most common symptoms involve anxiety disorders, substance misuse, attention problem and medical problems like asthma and obesity.

Didi hirsch give good medical treatment in order to distinguish bipolar disorder from conditions that produce symptoms that overlap with bipolar disorder. Through this did Hirsch mental health service has been able to achieve its goals which include; reducing health disparities for low income residents, build suicide prevention and erase the stigma associated with mental illness and addiction

Symptoms that aid in prevention of suicide which is caused by depression include persistent sad mood, loss of interest in activities that were once enjoyed; significant change in body weight; difficulty sleeping; feeling of worthlessness or difficult concentration. Like any other medical condition, bipolar disorder is an illness which requires immediate attention to prevent the victim from committing suicide hence the need for careful management. This management is done through medication and psychological therapies. Bipolar disorder usually requires diagnosis and treatment by a psychiatrist who conduct an assessment to establish whether the individual has bipolar disorder. The psychiatrist develops a management plan in consultation with the individual depending on the nature of illness.

For did Hirsch mental health center to prevent excessive involvement in risky behaviors, they use the following symptoms caused by mania which include abnormal and persistent elevated mood, decreased need for sleep; increased talkativeness and racing thoughts. Learning about bipolar disorder, its signs and symptoms, treatment and triggers is an essential part of management. Many sources of information provide knowledge to people with bipolar disorder and their families are better equipped to prevent future relapses. Mood stabilizers such as lithium are also used since are found to be helpful in the treatment of bipolar disorder. Antipsychotic medications, used to control psychotic symptoms may also be used in management of people with bipolar disorder.

Symptoms of both mania and depression are present at the same time in mixed state. The symptoms picture agitation; excessive involvement in risky behavior activities and suicidal thinking. The cause of bipolar is linked to stressful life events and other factors that include genetics, brain chemicals, environmental factors and sometimes medical illness. Bipolar disorder is mostly inherited, with genetic factor accounting for cause of the condition.

People with bipolar disorder delay to getting a diagnosis and seeking treatment due to fear of what friends, family and employers might think. There is still a stigma attached to having a mental illness but social attitudes are gradually changing. Did Hirsch mental health organization play key role in mitigating stigma among their clients that make them to have devaluing attitudes and blaming oneself for the illness after diagnosis. (Thapar, Cooper, Jefferies & Stergiakouli, 2012)

In conclusion, the Did Hirsch mental health center organization provides the best choice of managing bipolar disorder condition through providing information to understand the illness and giving proper medical care. The condition is a complex medical illness of brain which is linked to stressful life events and other factors that include genetics, brain chemicals, environmental factors and sometimes medical illness. This indicates a biochemical imbalance which alters person`s mood. The imbalance is thought to be caused by irregular hormone production or problem with certain chemical in the brain.


Bardum, A. M. G. (2011). The impact of positive self-constructs: exploring and reviewing some positive self-constructs of relevance to psychotherapy.

Lorains, F. K., Cowlishaw, S., & Thomas, S. A. (2011). Prevalence of comorbid disorders in problem and pathological gambling: systematic review and meta?analysis of population surveys. Addiction, 106(3), 490-498.

Thapar, A., Cooper, M., Jefferies, R., & Stergiakouli, E. (2012). What causes attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? Archives of disease in childhood, 97(3), 260-265.