I need an essay that has 7 paragraphs and is structured as such
1. Introduction
2. Opposition (acknowledging the opposition)
3. Point #1
4. Point #1
5. Point #2
6. Point #2
7. Conclusion
It is written as a persuasive research paper, one that argues what needs to be changed about bipartisanship in government. I need a story of how it has impacted me or someone around me (make it up), as well as pathos, logos, and ethos.I need 5 research journals, and a work cited page. Also, in the 2nd paragraph, I need to acknowledge an oppositional viewpoint, and I need a double quote sandwich in one of the body paragraphs. The other paragraphs only need one quote sandwhich. Finally, I apologize if there is any confusion regarding the subject of this paper. It is for an English class, but I realize it may fall under the domain of political science or something else. Thank you.
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Posted on May 28, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions