Why Jordan Belfort inspires me.
October 18, 2020
In the short story recitatif how were Roberta and Twyla affected by their mothers decisions?
October 18, 2020

biology lab questions

1- the totall length of cell cycle is 1000 min , 96 % of cells are interphase, what is the length of mitosis phase ?

2- why do we load DNA strands ( DNA fragments of known size ) in a garose gels ?

3- what DNA fragments sizes would you expect if you forgot to include primers in your PCR reaction ?

4- the larger the x^2 value .. the p value assciated with it ( chi square test )

5- starting from one DNA molecule, how would you calculate the approximate number of DNA molecule after 25 cycle ( do not calculate the number just explain how )

6- why we use a loading dye for our DNA sample ?

7- when using DNA electrophoresis, DNA fragments are separated from each other ..  ( complete )