BIOL2201 Introductory Ecotourism

AGREE II Analysis of a Guideline
October 4, 2020
Topic: Chapter 2: The Superordinate Nature of Multicultural Counseling and Therapy
October 4, 2020

BIOL2201 Introductory Ecotourism

Topic: BIOL2201 Introductory Ecotourism and  ECOT1101 and BIOL2201

Description: [?]

Preferred language style: English (U.S.)

1             How are the negative impacts of tourism managed in Antarctica and the Galapagos Islands? (GCK)


2             Anil Ananthaswamy suggested that we “beware the ecotourist”. How serious do you think is the threat?(GCK)


3             Discuss the relationship between ecotourism and recreational hunting and fishing (GCK)


4             What do you think are the essential features of ecotourism?(GCK)


5             What can you say about the people attracted to ecotours? (GCK)


6             Describe three (3) of the characteristic features of the flora of Australia (GCK)


7             Outline your reply to a question from a tourist about how aboriginal people used the flora compared with how the flora is used today. (GCK)


8             How does science provide the core of ecotourism? (GCK)


9             You are planning to set up an ecotourism business based on the idea of driving tourists to attractive locations and then taking them for day walks from a campsite. What steps must you take to minimise the possible negative impacts of your business?  (GCK)


10          A tourist asks why your ecotour on KI in an 8 seater 4WD costs nearly twice as much as a tour taken in a large bus. Explain the benefits of your tour and why she should come on your tour. (GCK).


11          Describe 3 motivations of tourists and relate them to ecotourists (GCK).


12          How would you explain the origins of the Australian flora to a group of tourists from Europe? What groups of plants would be of most interest to them and why?


13          Explain the hardness scale used to categorise ecotourism operators and tourists (GCK).


14          Why are island destinations so vulnerable to the negative effects of tourism? (GCK)


15          Your rich aunt asks you for advice about how to set up ecotourism accommodation on her property in the Flinders Ranges. Give her 3 “dos” and 2 “don’ts”.  (GCK)

16          What would you need to tell tourists from England about fire and the evolutionary adaptations of plants native to southern Australia (GCK)

Liz Reed


17          There have been several major extinction events in Earth history. Discuss two of these giving details of when they happened, which organisms were affected and the evidence for extinction causes.(ER)

18          Australia has a unique flora and fauna. Discuss the factors that influenced the evolution of the Australian biota. (ER)

19          Discuss strategies for providing tourism opportunities to fossil sites while still ensuring protection of the sites. (ER)

20           Australia has a unique mammalian fauna dominated by marsupials. Discuss the factors that have influenced the evolution of mammals in Australia (ER).

21          Geoconservation and geotourism are relatively new concepts in heritage and tourism. Discuss the meaning of these terms and give examples of Australian geotourism sites (ER).

22          How can the study of past ecosystems be used to inform us about future biodiversity conservation and climate change? Give examples in your answer (ER)

23          Discuss the potential for fossil tourism initiatives in South Australia. Give examples of key fossil tourism sites (ER).

24          Discuss 2 stories about fossils or palaeontology that could be used in a Geotour (ER).


Practice Exam Questions for ECOT1101 and BIOL2201

  1. Discuss the risks and opportunities of ecotourism for Indigenous communities.
  2. What are the origins of ecotourism in Africa and South America?
  3. Discuss the role of NGOs for ecotourism development with Indigenous communities.
  4. Discuss the use of themes and subthemes for good ecotourism interpretation. Provide an example of a theme and subthemes to interpret the evolution of fish.
  5. Discuss the evolution of fish.
  6. Discuss the risks and opportunities of shark tourism
  7. Interpret one aspect of the evolution of amphibians and reptiles for a university level audience (identify a major theme)
  8. Discuss the four origins of birds in Australia
  9. Discuss the evolution of mammals.