1. Write an introductory paragraph andstate which topic you have been researching for the SLP.2. Write1 paragraph abouteach article. Youshould be able touse your previous papers to gathermuch of this information. Include the following:2. Discuss which of your research studies seems to yield the most meaningful and valid results, and which seems to be the weakest or most questionable. Be sure to explain why think so, using the information you have learned in this course.3. Inanother paragraph, remind me of your SLP research question and your hypothesis. Knowing what youve learned about correlations and confounding variables:(a) identify 1 correlation you would look for in your research.(b) Identify 2 possible confounding variables that would affect the research topic you have been focusing on throughout the SLP.4. Close the paper with a concluding paragraph that summarizes what you have learned from the SLP assignments throughout the session.