Summary Paper of Colliquim course
October 13, 2020
socialist systems of medicine around the world
October 13, 2020



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Pati, S., Mohamad, Z., Cnaan, A., Kavanagh, J., & Shea, J.. (2010). Influence of Maternal Health Literacy on Child Participation in Social Welfare Programs: The Philadelphia Experience. American Journal of Public Health, 100(9), 1662-5. Retrieved February 1, 2011 from Proquest.

Introduce and briefly describe the study in one paragraph.

Name at least 3 possible confounding factors that would make it difficult to establish a causal connection between maternal health literacy and child participation in welfare programs. Explain why you think they would be confounding factors.

Please refrain from stating opinions on this issue; just name and describe the variables that would confound the findings.

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Influence_of_Maternal_Health_Literacy_on_Child_Participation_in_Social_Welfare_Programs.docx    2011-09-08 08:50:00    Final

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