Analyze a business plan proposal
June 30, 2020
Short Case
June 30, 2020

Between Two Fires

Between Two Fires

Imagine you are a fly on the wall in the time between the two fires, World War I and World War II. What is it that you would see and hear? What are the topics of the day?

Perhaps, you are a fly on the wall in a train with Mahatma Gandhi and his colleagues, or on the windshield of Henry Ford’s new Model T. Maybe you are being swatted by Woodrow Wilson himself as he and his Allied comrades struggle with the finalization of the Treaty of Versailles. What are the conversations you might hear?

And, for that matter, imagine looking in on a heated discussion among, say, Benito Mussolini or Adolf Hitler and top advisors discussing the injustices of post-war settlements or strategies for reclaiming their nation’s prominent status.

For your Discussion this week, you will analyze the political, economic, and social effects of one element occurring between World War I and World War II.

To prepare for this Discussion:

Choose one of the following elements as the topic of your discussion:

The Treaty of Versailles  OR

Anticolonialism  OR

Militarism  OR

Pan-Americanism  OR

Increases in Military  OR

Cultural Innovations (writing, music, arts) OR

Western Influences on China

In The Twentieth Century and Beyond: A Global History: Review Chapter 9 (pp. 131–137) and Chapter 11 (pp. 154–171), as well as the Treaty of Versailles and President Wilson’s Fourteen Points in this week’s Learning Resources to help you analyze the political, economic, and social effects of your chosen element.

Consider the disparity among nations as they emerged from the First World War and how citizens responded to rising internal influences.

Reflect on the way life changed between the two fires for citizens around the world who were affected by World War I.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 3 2 – 3 paragraphs where you analyze the political, economic, and social effects of one of the following elements occurring between World War I and World War II:

The Treaty of Versailles OR

Anticolonialism OR

Militarism OR

Pan-Americanism OR

Increases in Military OR

Cultural Innovations (writing, music, arts) OR

Western Influences on China

Support your assertions by making at least 2 references, in proper APA format, to your course readings.

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