Post your responses to the following questions:
What benefits would you expect to gain from using CBAM tools in one or more of the scenarios listed above?
What are the challenges and concerns you have about using these tools in your school?
What questions do you still have about these tools?
What “Levels of Use” did you determine for each of the interviewees in the video program? Describe appropriate interventions for each individual based on the information from the “Levels of Use” interviews conducted by Dr. Hord.
As explained in this week’s and last week’s Learning Resources, CBAM tools can help you articulate how a change is envisioned (i.e., the IC Map), find out what peoples’ feelings and responses are to the change (i.e., the “Stages of Concern” interview), and check progress on the degree to which individuals are implementing the change (i.e., the “Levels of Use” interview). But, these tools are very complex and not always easy to use. This week you have a chance to sound off and express your thoughts about both the benefits and challenges you see in using these tools.
Consider the potential benefits of using CBAM tools (the IC Map, the “Stages of Concern” interview, and the “Levels of Use” interview) to support effective implementation of change in the following scenarios:
Your professional development program
A previous coaching encounter with a teacher or teachers
Your personal life
Then, consider the challenges of using these tools in your own school setting. What concerns do you have about using these new tools?
Finally, bring to mind the “Levels of Use” interviews conducted by Dr. Shirley Hord in this week’s “Level of Use Interviews” video. What level of use did you determine for each of the interviewees related to the innovation (differentiated instruction)? Imagine you are responsible for supporting each of these individuals in their professional learning. Compare how and why your approach to working with each individual might differ based on the information gathered from Dr. Hord’s “Levels of Use” interviews.
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Posted on May 10, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions