Benchmark Assignment: School-Community Resources Alignment

Contemporary Management
March 12, 2020
Computer science
March 12, 2020

Benchmark Assignment: School-Community Resources Alignment

Benchmark Assignment: School-Community Resources Alignment

Paper instructions:
The School-Community Demographic Study is the first part of the Benchmark Assignment: School-Community Resources Alignment Project.

The assignment is divided into 4 parts for submission. All 4 parts will be submitted through SafeAssign in Blackboard in the appropriate modules/weeks. You will

also submit the School-Community Demographic Study with the other components of this assignment in  through LiveText.

This is a research project to gather the demographic statistics, analyze those data, and explain the related implications of those data on the school and

community. Following are the explanations of those parts:

1.    Demographic Data Report: Gather demographic statistics for both the school and the surrounding community. The school information is usually available from

the school itself or the district office. The chamber of commerce or a local government agency should be able to supply the community data. This is to be reported in

chart or graph form and must include the following: race/ethnicity, language, age, gender, income/socioeconomic status, religion, educational attainment, and

unemployment rate. Report the school data separately from the community data. If some data are not available, simply report those categories as “N/A.” Cite the sources

of your data.

2.    Demographic Data Analysis: Complete an analysis in narrative form, highlighting significant findings and comparing the school and community data.

3.    Implications: Explain the implications drawn from this information for understanding the school context and addressing the needs of students and their


This study must be 5–8 pages, including a reference page with at least 2 references in current APA format. This assignment must be submitted through SafeAssign in


The School-Community Needs Assessment is the second part of the Benchmark  PART II Assignment: School-Community Resources Alignment Project.

The assignment is divided into 4 parts for submission. All 4 parts will be submitted through SafeAssign in Blackboard in the appropriate modules/weeks. You will

also submit the School-Community Needs Assessment with the other components of this assignment in  through LiveText.

In this assignment, you will determine the needs of the local school and its community, then report those findings. You must collaborate with individuals related

to the school and school district and interview a community leader. Following are the explanations of those parts:

1.    Collaboration: Collaborate with the parent-teacher organization, school administration, and student government to identify perceived needs for both the

school and community that could possibly be met by school-community partnerships. These needs may be academic, social, or financial. (It is acceptable to build upon a

recent existing needs assessment if one is available.) Describe the collaboration process and identify several needs for both the school and the community.

2.    Interview: Interview a community leader about his or her perceptions of community and school needs, and how the 2 entities might collaborate to meet these

needs. The interviewee may be a school board member, city council member, school superintendent, assistant superintendent, state legislator, lobbyist, president of the

chamber of commerce, sheriff, chief of police, etc. Summarize the interview, analyzing the ideas presented.

This assessment must be 3–5 pages, including a reference page with at least 3 references in current APA format. This assignment must be submitted through

SafeAssign in Blackboard.


The School-Community Resources Report is the third part of the Benchmark Assignment: School-Community Resources Alignment Project.

The assignment is divided into 4 parts for submission. All 4 parts will be submitted through SafeAssign in Blackboard in the appropriate modules/weeks. You will

also submit the School-Community Resources Report with the other components of this assignment in  LiveText.

This assignment is a study of the available community resources. In this study, you will research what resources are available in your community and analyze those

resources. Following are the explanations of those parts:

1.    Annotated Directory: Create an annotated directory of community resources, such as social service agencies, educational institutions, religious groups,

businesses, etc. Categorize these resources according to the types of services offered. Provide complete contact information, including physical location, phone

number, website, contact person, etc. The annotation after each entry must describe the services and how these might be helpful to the school. The data for annotations

may be collected from brochures, web sites, and interviews with contact persons. (The format for the directory may be an outline, chart, or brochure.)

2.    Analysis of Community Resources: Identify gaps in services where needs are not met by school or community resources locally. List suggestions to fill these


This report must be 5–8 pages, including a reference page with at least 2 references in current APA format. This assignment must be submitted through SafeAssign in



The School-Community Service Proposal is the fourth part of the Benchmark Assignment: School-Community Resources Alignment Project.

The assignment is divided into 4 parts for submission. All 4 parts will be submitted through SafeAssign in Blackboard in the appropriate modules/weeks. You will

also submit the School-Community Service Proposal with the other components of this assignment in Module/Week 8 through LiveText.

This assignment is the consummation of the School-Community Resources Alignment Project. Consider the following as you complete this final part:

1.    Based on your previous findings, develop a plan for community service that is developmentally and age-appropriate for the participating students.

2.    Outline the details of how the plan will be carried out to meet specific community needs.

3.    Connect the community service plan to curriculum standards for learning.

This proposal must be 3–5 pages, including a reference page with at least 2 references in current APA format. This assignment must be submitted through SafeAssign

in Blackboard.

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