Any topic (writer’s choice)
October 18, 2020
broadcast analysis( sport event, pre game post game
October 18, 2020

behavrioal finance

Think of an event or a project related to your area of expertise and analyze it, point out the evidence of heuristics and biases that influenced the decision making process. How would you improve the process now that you understand the roots of these heuristics and biases?

Or you can design a trading strategy – Reversal strategy, Value strategy, Momentum strategy etc. based on some market inefficiencies you learned in this class.

Below is an example of a topic for the final paper.

“The evidence that property market is inefficient or at best only weak- form efficient, suggests that property investors do not always adhere to rationality and are influenced by emotions. As such, it is considered that behavioral finance theories have a lot to offer towards analyzing property investments”.