problems in the Criminal Justice System
May 27, 2020
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May 27, 2020

behavioral clues

behavioral clues

Paper details

Please give a separate response to each of these post below:

Some of the behavioral clues that one would expect to find in a situation involving a person who is psychotic includes the following:
€¢ A patient who is delusional to include paranoid/persecutory thoughts, grandiose behavior, unwarranted jealousy.
€¢ A patient may be having hallucinations €“ such as voices.
€¢ Patient’s speech is disorganized/incoherent
€¢ Disorganized behavior to include bizarre facial expressions, gestures or manic behavior
€¢ Also patient may have impaired interpersonal relations and lack of self-care.
Vecchi, G.M., (2015). Week 5 Class Notes Behavioral Criminology CJI 6230,


2) Ameera:
What makes an antisocial person dangerous? What precautions should the investigator take when dealing with this type of personality disorder?
Antisocial person are dangerous because of the behaviors they exhibit. Behaviors such as deceitful, manipulative, disregard of others at an early age, charming and persuasive, reckless disregard for safety of self and others, and heavy drug or alcohol use. All of these characteristics can lead to violent criminal behavior. Many serial killers have antisocial personalities, which also include bedwetting as a child and cruelty to animals. When negotiating or dealing with a person with antisocial personality the interviewer should use the buddy approach, sharing criticism and blaming others, establish credibility, promise only what you can deliver, employ a non-critical, problem oriented approach, expect bargaining agreements, assist in saving face, and avoid using third party intermediaries. The offenders who suffer from antisocial personality are very intelligent and cunning. The interviewer should endeavor to avoid lying to these individuals and focus on assisting them in saving face. The individuals tend to be very narcissistic.

Week 5 Lecture Behavioral Criminology on Psychopathology. Gregory Vecchi and Dr. Abigail Tucker.

3) Kelsea
What type of behavioral clues would you expect to find in a situation involving a person who is psychotic?
Behavioral clues for someone who is psychotic would be things like disorganized speech, bizarre facial expressions, or gestures. Other indicators include, inappropriate emotion and delusions. All these are behavioral signs of individual who is psychotic.
Week 5 Lecture Material-Psychopathology.