basic writing tips in many universities
Any major styles including ALA, MLA, and APA, The University of Chicago (Turabian) are acceptable. All papers must adhere to the following specific guidelines.
1. Remember to number each page of your paper.
2. Use 12 point font size (only) and avoid oversized lettering.
3. Only type-written, double-spaced papers are acceptable.
4. Left and Right side margins must be no wider than 1 inch wide.
5. All printing must begin at the top of each page.
8. Indent each paragraph.
7. All papers must include a Works Cited page which includes a minimum of five relevant sources. Generally speaking, the more sources you use, the stronger and more compelling will be your evidence, arguments, and conclusions.
8. When quoting or paraphrasing from other written material use in-text notes. A full citation of your source is also required at the end of your essay.
9. Avoid overly long quotations and paragraphs.
10. Quotations of more than two lines should be listed in a separate paragraph, single-spaced, and indented from the body of the paper.
11. Information about websites should be listed at end of your paper either within, works cited, or Bibliography pages. It should be a FULL citation, not just a URL. Avoid listing website information in the body of your paper.
12. Use bold face print only where necessary.
13. Avoid extra spaces beyond the double spaced line requirement identified in # 3.
14. Avoid plagiarism.
15. Use the most authoritative and objective sources.
16. Make good use of your spell checker. Spelling matters.
17. Proof-read your paper for grammatical errors. Grammar also matters. If you doubt your own proof-reading skills, find another proof-reader (including the Writing Center at your college or university).
18. ?A? papers are almost always the maximum allowed length.
19. If you do not have enough material to write a paper of the minimum length, this is a good indication that you need to do additional research.
20. The devil is in the details; include as many relevant details as possible in the space allotted to you. Avoid generalizations.
21. Your instructor will stop reading after your paper is more than five lines over the page limit allowed in the paper instructions.
22. CONSULT WITH A LIBRARIAN. Librarians are trained to know where to find the best, most reliable and trustworthy sources, including sources available on the internet. It is their job. You will achieve far better results in far less time if you enlist the help of a librarian. Either go to your library in person, or use the links that may be available through your college library?s website.