Comparing the systems, process and policy of these two countries and hypothesizing the future of each political system
July 6, 2020
Pre trial jail facilites
July 7, 2020

Bank marketing in China

The business environment in China’s banking industry is quite different from that in the West. Since 2006, foreign banks have been allowed to set up businesses in China. However, to date, few foreign banks have gained a strong foothold in China, particularly in Chinese currency (RMB) business. Since 2009, four Chinese banks have joined the club of the world’s top 10 banks by capitalization. However, Chinese banks are predominantly domestic-based, with an ambition to expand internationally, as a matter of policy. Students can focus on either foreign banks operating in China or Chinese banks competing with foreign banks domestically and internationally. Some common issues are: what are the unique characteristics of China’s banking environment? What are the factors that influence the strategies of foreign or Chinese banks and how? What are the strategies that result in the success of foreign or Chinese banks and how? A dissertation on this topic will involve a review of literature in the areas of institution theory, international/global marketing and bank marketing, from which a theoretical framework should be developed.