Causes of inflation
September 14, 2020
Planning school of thought views the strategy formation and implementation.
September 14, 2020

Balinese Culture

Bali island is amongst the thirteen thousand islands situated in Indonesia. There are more than three hundred thousand temples in Bali if the family temples are taken into consideration. Cultures usually shape the religious coping techniques and the religious appraisals. The Balinese religion has a very close relationship with psychology. Psychology is simple defined as the study of mental functions, as well as, behaviours.

psychologist often attempts to understand the role of mental function in social and individual behavior while at the same time exploring the biological and physiological process which underlie cognitive behaviors and functions. In Bali, there are thousands of healers and specialists who can be able to read the ancient Sanskrit text on the palm leaves. These texts comprise of the Balinese practices and beliefs and these specialist’s forms an integral part of the Balinese religion. As a way of treating the various mental illness and providing therapy to the patient, the Balinese put a small sword (Kris) in water so that they can be able to diagnose the problems.

family forms an integral part in the Balinese culture. As part of the healing process/therapy, the Balian will instruct someone who has a problem to join a Barang Group and participate in a dance. For instance, amongst the ways that the Balian deals with aggression entails filing down their canine teeth at puberty. this is a significant life cycle ceremony which the entire family celebrates.   This is viewed as a process that eradicate the animal nature for both genders to assure that the adults shall be able to control their emotions. This is attributed to the verity that the Balians believe that the aggression is the symbol for madness.

There exists similarities amid the Balinese therapy (psychology) and family therapy. whether in private or public session, the family is often brought together where rituals task are provided. The Balin therapists are well trained and usually collaborate and refer to each other. They help to provide explanations for problems that are outside the person. This is a similar ole that the contemporary psychologists serves. However, in the strategic family therapy, it is through the social context, as well as, the Balinese therapy through which the explanations are given in otherworldly ways. Moreover, similar to contemporary psychology, in the Balinese culture there exists high optimism that the client shall get well.