EI9.¥.l.nm‘:: llsing only ‘Aw.iltenim:“ .l. .i souru-_ argiiv lor or against the idea that
Cons-ciousnc-ss is .i scientific ht-nomenon that can he explained by the PhY5l°’°3y °f
other side Your arguments may come from the article or from your own exP’~”‘l9?“’
and knowledge (but not trom outside sources).
Be sure that you introduce the text you are aiialyziiig by its author and title
somewhere in the introduction li necessary. provide hackgrouiitl information and
briefly summarize the piece at that time. After this initial introduction, you should
refer to the author by using his or her last name. tag. “Lang claims that”. When you
refer to the article, use its title, which should be capitalized and enclosed in
quotation marks. cg. ‘Awakening?
In the body of your paper. present detailed evidence from the text to support your
claim: You may use quotation, summary and paraphrase from the text that has been
assigned above. and from your own personal experience. but do not use other
outside sources for this assignment. Also, be sure that your quotations are not
unnecessarily long. and that you introduce and analyze every piece of evidence you
provide. Do not use the author’s words in place ofyour own.
Format: At the top of the first page. list the following items, each on a separate line
and aligned to the left.
Your full name
Dr. Rachel Szekely
Date the assignment is submitted
Next. give the title of your paper, centered and capitalized (except the words a, an,
the. conjunctions and prepositions. unless they are the first or last words of the title.
in which case they also should be capitalized). Your paper must also have a title. one
that is diflerent from the assignment name and the essay you are writing about.
0 Do not hold. underline. italicize or specially format your title
0 Insert your last name and page numbers in the header or footer of every page
6 Use the same font face for the entire paper, at 12pt size
0 Double-space the entire document
to Left align the body of the paper, but do not justify the right-hand margin
e ladenttjie first word of each paragraph ‘A inch
LLRI1? ‘ _ I ‘ 7 ’ k
lgleading 1 discussion and prewriting
ease complete the following prewriting activities during class lmlay, in
preparation for writing your draft of Essay 1. This sheet and any mil in slivvl .«; ynu
need to answer the questions will be handed in together with your css;ly (‘ mil ll ll‘
1. Do you believe that consciousness will eventually be reduced to 31 part l(‘llliIl’
physiological state of the brain, once we know more about how the brain wm’l<s, or (In
you believe that even if we know how the brain works, COl’lSCl(illSll(‘SH will rmnsii n .1
Write a sentence that states your position on this question.
2. Find where the article describes how “dualists” and “reductionists” about CollS(Ti()ll.‘»‘lll‘.’s‘.‘i
differ. State each position in your own words.
Dualists believe:
Reductionists believe:
3. In the article, which thinkers are listed as reductionists, and which are listed as (liiallsts?
An example of a dualist:
An example of a reductionist:
4. Explain in your own words what “the easy problem” and the “hard problem” of
consciousness are, according to Chalmers.
5. Does a reductionist believe that there is an “easy” and “hard” problem of consciousness?
Why or why not?
6. How does the phenomenon of “anesthesia awareness” relate to the question of whether
or not consciousness can be equated to a physiological state?
7. How does Tononi’s electromagnetic gun work? Describe it in as much detail as you can.
8. How_is the brain like NYC traffic, according to Lang? Explain his angle in as m 1 h
837 L c
detail as you can, in your own words.
9. Para hr
con 9 Else, In your ownlwords, Tononi 5 Integrated Information Theory” of
sciousness based on information from the article How doe h” h
previous Come t. f _ . _ – s is t eory differ from
p ions o consciousness discussed in the article?